Customer Testimonials

Need More Reasons? Listen to these Guys:

Snider Trans of Texas City
(Texas City, TX)

We have tried many other Torque Converter Companies in the past before using Precision Torque Converters. We even have access to a company that will deliver torque converters to my door within hours of placing an order. I would rather wait until the next day and get a Precision Torque Converter. Noticing the drastic change in comebacks is the main reason I only use Precision Torque Converters.

Having virtually no comebacks means a lot to me as well as to my customers.

-Greg Snider


(Missoula, MT)

A quality-built transmission performs only as exceptionally as the torque converter. No matter how superior the workmanship a technician builds into a custom-built transmission, a poor quality torque converter can spoil the works. That is why we at Transolution started using Precision of New Hampton Converter products. We discovered the quality of Precision Converter products back in 2002 after having some costly and embarrassing comebacks due to faulty torque converters manufactured by another company.

What a relief it has been not to experience the hassles of converter failures and comebacks. Precision of New Hampton Converters not only complements the high quality workmanship of our custom-built transmission, but the price is right too, a savings we are please to pass on to our customers.xx

-Chris Gerber



Booker Trans, Inc.
(Enid, OK)

"The fact that I do not have any problems with Precision of New Hampton, Inc. torque converters and I get free delivery right to my front door is great. I’ve dealt with a couple of other torque converter companies and they couldn’t keep my business supplied with what I needed.

Twenty-five years being in business I like the consistent quality of torque converters Precision of New Hampton, Inc. has to offer along with the consistency on keeping me supplied with what I need.

I feel very confident when I call Precision of New Hampton, Inc. with any questions. They definitely know their product and can assist you with any questions you might have.

-Kevin Booker

Bozeman Transmission Center, Inc.
(Bozeman, MT)

As many of you know and have experienced, problems with torque converters can be frustrating and costly in more ways than just the money side of it. We, as shop owners, get to deal with that customer face to face, or worse yet the customer who has left your area and is now broke down. Not to mention down time, a bind in your shop’s work flow and everything that goes with a converter failure. I have owned B.T.C for 20 years with 30 years in the business. Since I have started using Precision Torque Converters almost 10 years ago, my torque converter problems have dropped dramaticly.

What I like besides the service and quality is the fact they are constantly improving their product line. They genuinely care about their customers. With A.T.R.A.’s new and longer warranty program I feel completely at ease installing Precision Converters in our units.

Simply put, you couldn’t offer me enough money to change suppliers. After 30 years in this business, I know what works and what does not, and Precision Torque Converters work.

-Kevin R. Kunze
